GPX map files
Hello to all avid greenlaners, Having been a member of the TRF for a good year or so, i have found trying to gain GPX map files of track loops through different counties, like trying to get blood from a stone . I know East Sussex very well, but would love to collect up a few more different counties such as W...
Outlook email having issues
Haven't received any emails since 6pm GMT - not good when your business relies on their service
Yamaha- You Don't Need Wings To Fly.
A truely heart warming advert from Yamaha. It really makes the hairs on your neck stand and gives a huge feeling of happiness and smiles. When you suddenly realise that the boy playing is being fantasticly choreographed with the guy on the bike, you begin to see what a superb piece of film this really is...
Lisa Crashes Her Punk Ass Moped!
As we're in "the pub", thought i'd offer up this little gem to brighten your day and be sure to make you smile. I really mean it too. Bad day at work, car's broken down, fallen out with your other half, what ever the grief may be, spin this a couple of times and it will be sure to have you laughing ag...
Jokes, post them here but keep them clean(ish)
This is my neighbour She's single... She lives right across the street. I can see her house from my living room. I saw her get home from work this evening. I was surprised when she walked across the street and up my driveway and knocked on my door... I rushed to open it. She looks at me, and says, &quo...
Steve H