I have been following the other post where importing used WRs has been mentioned. I would like to buy a new Wr 250r. Has anybody imported a new one? Do they sell them in Europe? Is it possible? Any thoughts opinions would be appreciated.
... Yamaha stopped selling the WRR and X in Europe due to it being apparently in short demand. I think it probably had more to do with the bad financial times everyone was going through and the nearly 7k price tag it had, but hey.
I tried a company in Stoke once a couple of years back called DK Motorcycles to import me a new WRR from the States. They claimed to import bikes regularly and on a sizable scale from over the water, and that they could sort out the tax, papers, plates and MOT. They never got back to me in the end and i found my current bike while waiting here in the UK with just over 300 miles on it. My desire for importing one quickly faded .
People have imported bikes on their own from America many times before, but it sounds like a long and potentially expensive headache to me. Should i want a brand new WRR again in the future, i'd go find a company with the skills and experience to bring it over and get it on the road for me like DK had been potentially offering.